March 24, 2017

How to be an EPF Agent

Hey Penguins!
Today I'm going to teach you how to become an EPF agent on Club Penguin Rewritten! It's very simple and the first step is probably the hardest. First, you have to get an invite postcard. To do this, go to your chat and click "Psst. " I will always give postcards to people who say this. :)
 In fact, I got two postcards from people in the room just by saying this once in a medium-crowded Town.
When you open the postcard, you have to hover towards the bottom of it to reveal a "Go Here" button.

When you get there, you will be promoted with a phone ringing. Click it and it'll turn into a screen, prompting you to throw a snowball at a target as so.
Then, you will have to run. Tiring, I know! The trick is to not spam the click button, rather just walking normally.
My new record! 4.9 seconds. Did you beat it? I bet you can... I'm pretty slow. Anyways, after, you will have to hide. It's a bit intimidating, but follow these steps in order to get a perfect score:

  • Go to the bottom left, behind the pillar
  • Throw a snowball at Camera 2
  • Wait until the time is up
Woohoo! We got a perfect score! Now moving on...
The next one will try to get you to walk onto a blue square, but DON'T DO IT!
I mean, you can do it, I'm not forcing  you, but if you want a perfect score, don't. The monitor might tempt you, though.
Woohoo! We got perfect scores! Welcome to the Elite Penguin Force.
Thanks for following this tutorial and I hope you have a wonderful day while helping to protect the island.

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